
Business Resources > Funding Sources
Financial Resources
As the designated Economic Development Agency for Warren County, the WCCBI assists businesses in developing the most competitive financing programs for acquisitions, expansions, new product development, and working capital. Depending upon your specific businesses circumstance, the following programs may be available to assist your business to become more competitive and prosperous.
If you believe any of the programs listed here could be helpful to you, please complete the Introductory Business Information (include internal link here) form and submit to the WCCBI for review. Upon receipt of your information, we will contact you to discuss your circumstances and how we can be of assistance.
To maximize the benefits available to your business, WCCBI will coordinate the assessment, application, and implementation of your financing program, including coordination with the Governors Action Team of Pennsylvania.
Public Financial Resources
Local Public Resources
WCDA Revolving Loan Fund Administered by the Warren County Economic Development Loan Administration Committee, this program provides to businesses within Warren County:
- up to $10,000 for working capital or equipment acquisition,
- up to $20,000 as matching funds for business expansion, acquisition, or equipment purchases.
City of Warren Revolving Loan Fund - fund administered by the Northwest Commission, this fund provides to businesses within the City of Warren:
- up to $50,000 for land acquisition, preparation, building acquisition, construction, machinery purchase, leasehold improvements, and working capital.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Financing Resources for Manufacturers
- Small Business First Provides low-interest financing for land and building acquisition or construction, machinery and equipment acquisition, and working capital.
- Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority (PIDA) - Provides low-interest, participating financing to eligible businesses for acquisition and development of land for industrial use.
- PA Economic Development Financing Authority (PEDFA) - Issues taxable and tax-exempt Revenue Bonds to finance land, buildings, equipment, working capital, and refinancing.
- Machinery and Equipment Loan Fund (MELF) Provides low-interest loans for acquisition and installation of new or used machinery and equipment, or for the upgrade of existing machinery and equipment.
- Export Finance Program (EFP) - Provides loans to existing companies to assist with the export of goods or services.
Commercial Financing Opportunities in Warren County
County National Bank
213 West Third Ave.
Warren, PA 16365
(814) 726-3577
National City
315 Second Ave.
Warren, PA 16365
(814) 723-5300
Northwest Savings Bank
Business Banking Division
108 Liberty Street
Warren, PA 16365
(814) 728-7542
PNC Bank
201 Liberty Street
Warren, PA 16365
(814) 726-5400
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Business Assistance Programs
The WCCBI assists businesses within Warren County in maximizing their competitive position through coordination with numerous local, state, and federal agencies specializing in key business sectors. Some of these resources include:
- Gannon University Small Business Development Center
- Industrial Resource Centers (IRC) Provides customized services and solutions to manufacturers for operational, technological, and workforce issues.
- Ben Franklin Technology Partners - Regional centers provide funding through various investment funding mechanisms to support new products or new processes (Research and Development), and a range of services to businesses to introduce or develop new technologies.
- Northwest Commission (formerly Northwest Regional Planning and Development Commission)
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Manufacturing Tax Credits
Administered and approved by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the following credits may be available to your business:
- Job Creation Tax Credit - Provides Pennsylvania Tax Credits to eligible companies that create 25 or more full-time jobs or increase employment by 25% within three years.
- Research and Development Tax Credits - Allows employers qualifying for the Federal Research and Development tax credit to receive 10% tax credit for increased research activities in Pennsylvania.
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Navigating the maze of assistance provided by government and non-profit agencies can be a challenge. We're here to help you understand which programs apply to your business. Just complete this form and we'll give you a call. |

The WCCBI has facilitated over $1 million in low-interest bond financing for local businesses in 2004. |