
For assistance in making the website possible:
Allegheny Bean Company photos (Shawn Walker)
Pat Evans editing text
Howard Jarvis photos
Jefferson DeFrees Family Center for permission to link to their resource directory, www.AskTheJD.com
Melinda King at Coleen Christy writeup for Residential Properties section
David Snyder website design, photos
PA Futures demographics (Alan Kugler)
Warren Times Observer photos and articles (Eric Paddock and Chuck Hayes)
Penny Wolboldt, Larry Dalrymple, and other reference room staff assistance in obtaining research materials
Persons who supplied information (and photos) of their organization:
Allegheny Musarium Cathy Lendvay
Allegheny National Forest Janeal Hedman
Blueberry Hill Golf Course photos
Calvary Chapel School and Pine Grove Family Center Jim Hunt, write up; Jim Stowe, pictures
County Government County Commissioner John Bortz
Entrepreneurship Hank Rudge, Lynn Lewis
Farm Fresh Products Phyllis Wright, Shirley Olson, Paul Bobelak
Healthy Communities/Healthy Youth's "A Bear Affair" Sue Collins
Higher-Education Council Joan Stitzinger
Home-schoolers Robin Samuelson
Jefferson-DeFrees Center Susan Anderson
Libraries Patricia Sherbondy
Music in the Park Frankie Zavinski
Northwest Savings Bank Jim Holding, Barb Ackley
St. Joseph School Linda McConnell
Struthers Library Theatre Christine Brandt Tidioute Fishing Tournament Howard Brown, Marty Bennett
United Fund Michael Hostovitch
Warren Concert Association David Kasper
Warren County Christian School Norma Archer, Beth Burch
Warren County Fair Judy Peterson
Warren County Historical Society Rhonda Hoover
Warren County School District Matt Jones, Amy Stewart
Warren General Hospital Matt Franklin, Karen Coombs
Wild Wind Festival Liz and Lawrence Allen
YMCA Cheryl Rondinelli |

Project Coordinators:

Our fantastic intern:

Web Site Design:
David Snyder of Westpa.net

Website hosted by
Westpa.net, Warren, PA