Warren County is served by local and national utilities providing quality, reliable products and services to residential and business clients.
Penelec is the primary provider of electricity in Warren County. The Warren Rural Electric Cooperative provides electric service in some areas, mainly in the western corner of the county.
Natural Gas
Natural gas service is provided by National Fuel Gas and Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania. There are also several natural gas cooperatives operating at select locations in Warren County to serve some industrial operations in the community.
Warren County is significantly advanced in the area of telecommunications infrastructure as compared with other rural counties in Pennsylvania. A combination of national, regional, and local providers offer a wide range of options for residential and business consumers at attractive, competitive rates.
The Pennsylvania-American Water Company is the water utility for the City of Warren. Some other population centers have municipal water service through local authorities. On-lot wells provide water resources to most rural locations in the county.
Sewage infrastructure development and expansion has been implemented throughout Warren County over the past decade. Major residential sectors of the county are served by municipal sewer authorities. Expansion of these systems continues to provide service to more areas of the county.