
Life in Warren County > Education > Public Schools
The Warren County School District (WCSD), one of the few county-wide school districts in the Commonwealth, was created in 1966, when the Warren Borough School District merged with four small, rural school districts in the surrounding communities of Warren County. Since that time, WCSD has offered a quality education to the students of Warren County by focusing its resources on the pursuit of its mission to prepare all students to be responsible and productive citizens by providing them with the skills and education necessary to achieve academic and personal excellence.
At 788 square miles in size, the District is geographically the second largest in Pennsylvania. WCSD provides an education to over 6,117 students in 19 schools, and is organized into four distinct attendance areas that spread across the countys vast expanse of farmland and beautiful wooded hills.
What makes the Warren County School District such a great place for educating children? Heres a partial list:
- Standards Based Instruction. The Warren County School District subscribes to a Standards Based Instruction (SBI) model, where instructional practices are designed to help every student achieve the Pennsylvania State Standards. In addition, the districts curriculum is reviewed regularly to ensure its adherence to state standards.
- Project ArtSmart. The district received a federal grant to incorporate art into the instruction of non-art courses to promote student achievement. The program was such a success that the WCSD was the only district to receive a second round of funding, and the program is ongoing in a number of district elementary schools.
Technology. WCSD is dedicated to bringing technology into the classrooms for both students and teachers. Projects such as Access Plus, funded in part through a $500,000 federal grant, are helping
the district lay the foundation necessary to ensure that this important tool is available throughout the district. Also of note is the new district website (www.wcsdpa.org), which provides students, teachers, and the community in general with resources and information regarding the school district.
- Extended Learning Opportunities. The Warren County School District provides its students with a number of opportunities to learn, using software packages such as NovaNET, SuccessMaker, and Vantage to address the various educational needs of its students.
Facilities. Several schools in the district Russell Elementary, Allegheny Valley Elementary, and Youngsville Elementary/Middle have been upgraded and/or renovated to address facility issues and to provide students and teachers with the ability to utilize technology as it is implemented. The district is also in the process of building the new Warren Area Elementary School, which will house students in
grades 2-5, and allow for the consolidation of existing grade schools in the Warren community while providing enhanced educational opportunities to students.
- Additional Educational Opportunities. WCSD students can take advantage of the Learning Enrichment Center (LEC) or the Warren County Career Center (WCCC) for additional educational opportunities. The Gifted Support program, through the LEC, strives to provide a combination of accelerated learning and enrichment opportunities to gifted students in grades K-12. It also provides the same opportunities to high-achieving students in grades 8-12. The WCCC offers high school students students courses in electronics, small engine repair, machine technology, culinary arts, and other fields to help prepare them for the workplace. The WCCC is the only career center facility in the Commonwealth that is not administered by a consortium of school districts.
- Commitment to Professional Development. The Warren County School District believes in helping its teachers and administrators achieve and maintain the skills necessary to accomplish its mission.
Academic Coaches. The district employs academic coaches to provide support in a variety of curriculum areas. Coaches are very
knowledgeable in their area and work with other teachers to design, and implement best practices, and serve as resources for their fellow teachers.
- Strong Community Relationships. The WCSD supports strong relationships with other community groups and government entities, such as the Alliance for a Better Community, Family Services of Warren, Warren County Chamber of Business and Industry, and the Warren County Commissioners, in an effort to strengthen and promote Warren County. In addition, programs such as Drug Awareness Resistance Education (DARE), School Law Enforcement Liaison Team (SLELT), and Student Assistance Program (SAP) have promoted healthy relationships with local law enforcement agencies.
Comprehensive Special Education Program. The Warren County School District provides programs and services in accordance with Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Pennsylvania Chapter 14 Special Education regulations. The
WCSD has developed a strong special education program that works with the student, parents, and teachers to develop an appropriate educational program to serve each childs individual needs.
- Extracurricular activities. Students are given numerous opportunities to participate in competitive sports, music, and more. The district has a history of strong academic competition teams as well.
- Support for Alternatives to Public Education. Whether it is cyber-learning, home schooling, private or charter schools, the district stands ready to support and/or assist those students who are participating in alternatives to attending a public school.
These are just some of the positive things happening in the Warren County School District that makes the district a positive and effective learning environment for its students. If you have questions about the Warren County School District, please visit our website at www.wcsdpa.org for more information.

Standardized Aptitude Test (SAT) Scores
Region |
Verbal |
Math |
510 |
521 |
PA Average |
500 |
502 |
National Avg. |
507 |
519 |

Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Scores*
Grade |
Math |
Reading |
5th |
50.1% |
59.7% |
8th |
48.5% |
62.5% |
11th |
50.9% |
66.2% |
* Federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation requires that schools achieve a minimum score in the Advanced + Proficient category of 35% for mathematics and 45% for reading. The scores above relate to the percentage of students scoring in that category in the Warren County School District in 2002-03.