Lodging Facilities in The Warren Region
These facilities are located within 1 hour of Warren.
Note: these locations are in addition to those provided in the USCA membership mailing. If you did not receive the mailing please contact us so that we may provide that information.
Best Western Bradford Inn Fisher Inn
112 Units 8 Units
Bradford, PA Bradford, PA
1-800-344-4656 814-368-3428
Email: URL: www.fisherinnbradford.com
URL: www.bwbradford.com
Comfort Inn Mountain Laurel Inn
48 Units 8 Units
Bradford, Pa Bradford, PA
814-368-6772 814-362-8006
URL: www.comfortinn.com URL: www.mountainlaurelbradford.com
Desoto Holiday House Kinzua East KOA
70 Units Bradford, PA
Bradford, PA 814-368-3662
814-362-4511 URL: www.koakampgrounds.com
Desoto Motel Glendorn
40 Units Bradford, PA
Bradford, PA 1-800-843-8568
814-362-3567 URL: www.glendorn.com
Comfort Inn-Jamestown Holiday Inn-Jamestown
101 Units 146 Units
Jamestown, NY Jamestown, NY
716-664-5920 716-664-3400
URL: www.comfortinn.com/hotel/ny403
Hotel Lenhart Chautaqua Lake Motel
50 Units 16 Units
Benus Point, NY Bemus Point, NY
716-386-2715 716-386-4005
URL: www.hotellenhart.com URL: www.ChautauquaLakeMotel.com
Bemus Breeze B&B Blair House B&B
3 Units 5 Units
Benus Point, NY Findley Lake, NY
716-386-7700 716-769-7329
URL: www.bemusbreeze.com
Blue Herron Inn Brasted House B&B
4 Units 7 Units
Findley Lake, NY Mayville, NY
716-769-7852 888-753-6205
URL: www.theblueherroninn.com URL: www.brastedhouse.com
Lilly Pad B&B Peek N' Peak Resort
4 Units 215 Units
Bemus Point, NY Clymer, NY
716-386-7675 716-355-4141
URL: www.madbbs.com/solopah URL: www.pknpk.com
Pine Hill Cottages Redwood Ranch Motel
20 Units 13 units
Ashville, NY Bemus Point, NY
716-789-3543 716-386-4275
URL: www.pinehillresort.com
Snow Ridge Motel Partridge Sheldon Mansion
14 Units 3 Units
Mayville, NY Jamestown, NY
716-753-2712 716-484-2350
URL: www.snowridgemotel.com
Riverside Inn and Dinner Theater
74 Units
Cambridge Springs, PA
URL: www.theriversideinn.com
Hickory Creek Wilderness Ranch
RD 1
Tidioute, PA
URL: www.hickorycreekranch.com