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Sugar Grove Celebrates Anti-Slavery Roots

Re-enactors at the Juneteenth Celebration in Sugar Grove, PA.

The borough of Sugar Grove just might have made history even while it was busy re-creating an historic Anti-Slavery Convention that took place 150 years ago.

Sugar Grove's first "Juneteenth" celebration on Saturday, June 19th, brought nothing but compliments to those who helped make it a reality. The positive reaction of those who attended could help ensure that the festival grows and becomes a tradition, not only for Sugar Grove, but for tourists as well.

"As I'm hearing it, everyone just has an overwhelming response to it," said Event Director Greg Wilson. "It really is incredibly encouraging and very rewarding that you've been a part of something that entertains people and makes them learn more about this area."

"We're hoping that next year it can work into a program through the Pennsylvania Tourism Office, which will be a heritage trail that will start in Pittsburgh and be a week-long event," said Rhonda Hoover, Executive Director of the Warren Historical Society. "Then it will end up in Sugar Grove for a similar production."

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Warren's Hometown Newspaper
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